what is igmdb.org?

If you have comments, questions, or just need help you can email us, contact us via steam, or chat via IRC to report issues and/or comments.

Have questions now? Connect up with the IGMDb team on Discord: https://discord.gg/3vXhbSV

Access to igmdb.org via API is currently in beta testing, and as of this writing only demo renders can be submitted via API. If this interests you, you can use the following information to automate your submissions:

  • To obtain an API key, go to your user control panel and click the checkbox to generate a key
  • To submit a demo for rendering:

    • Once you have an api key, you can submit a demo by making a POST request to https://www.igmdb.org/processor.php?action=submitDemo with the following keys + values:
      • 'api_key' => the API key you generated above
      • 'demo_url' => => (optional, but at least demo_url or demo_id is required) the URL where the demo can be downloaded from, for example: http://my.website.com/path/to/demo
      • 'demo_id' => => (optional, but at least demo_url or demo_id is required) the id of the demo already uploaded, for example: 12345
      • 'resolution' => (optional) the resolution you want the demo rendered in - see the resolution dropdown's values on the demo render page for additional values. Defaults to 17 which is 1920x1080 @ 30fps.
      • 'output' => (optional) defaults to 1, which will output the rendered demo directly to YouTube. If you are a donator then you can optionally set this to 2 which will additionally allow you to download the mp4 of the video.
      • 'stream_title' => when outputting to YouTube, use this as the video's title
      • 'stream_description'=> (optional) when outputting to YouTube, use this as the video's description, rather than leaving it blank
      • 'player_pov_steamid'=> (optional) if rendering a TF2, CSGO, or CS2 demo, this is the steam ID of the player that should be spectated (eg: 76561198084582998)
      • 'render_tick_start'=> (optional) if rendering a TF2, Dota2, L4D2, or HL2DM demo, this is the tick when rendering will start (eg: 12345)
      • 'render_tick_end'=> (optional) if rendering a TF2, Dota2, L4D2, or HL2DM demo, this is the tick when rendering will stop (eg: 12345)
      • 'render_game_version'=> (optional) if rendering a TF2 demo where it is older than July 25, 2023, set this to 'pre_07_25_23_demos'
    • If the above POST was successful then you'll receive back an array containing a success message along with a render_id associated with the submitted render. If you chose to output the video as a downloadable mp4 then the mp4 will be named {render_id}.mp4
    • If an error occurs then you'll receive back an array containing any errors that were reported.
  • To obtain information about a demo:

    • Once you have an api key, you can submit a demo by making a POST request to https://www.igmdb.org/processor.php?action=uploadDemo with the following keys + values:
      • 'api_key' => the API key you generated above
      • 'demo_url' => (optional, but at least demo_url or demo_id is required) the URL where the demo can be downloaded from, for example: http://my.website.com/path/to/demo
      • 'demo_id'=> (optional, but at least demo_url or demo_id is required) the id of the demo already uploaded, for example: 12345
    • If the above POST was successful then you'll receive back an array containing a success message along with information associated with the submitted demo.
    • If an error occurs then you'll receive back an array containing any errors that were reported.
  • To view the rendering queue:

    • Make a GET request to https://www.igmdb.org/processor.php?action=getPendingRenders
    • Optional GET key/value pairs
      • 'render_id' => (optional) the specific render_id that you want to view information on
      • 'show_started' => (optional) boolean to show/hide demos that are currently being rendered; defaults to false
      • 'limit' => (optional) the maximum number of results you want returned; defauls to 1
    • If the render_id was found then the returned 'success' key will be true you'll receive back an 'output' array containing various information about the demo(s) in the queue
    • If an error occurs then the returned 'success' key will be false
  • To delete a demo from the rendering queue:

    • Once you have an api key, you can delete a queued demo by making a POST request to https://www.igmdb.org/processor.php?action=deleteQueuedRendern&render_id=XYZ (where XYZ is the render_id you want to delete) with the following key + value:
      • 'api_key' => the API key you generated above
    • If the above POST was successful then you'll be returned back a 'success' key set to true
    • If an error occurs then the returned 'success' key will be false; you can check for any errors by checking the value of the 'error' key
  • To get information about a demo being rendered or previously rendered:

    • Make a GET request to https://www.igmdb.org/processor.php?action=getRenderInformation&render_id=XYZ where XYZ is the render_id you want information for
    • If the render_id was found then the returned 'success' key will be true you'll receive back an 'output' array containing various information about the render
    • If an error occurs then the returned 'success' key will be false

General site usage:

  • Be respectful when making comments
  • Think carefully before adding a movie to the database; we have to review all submissions manually for quality

Renderer usage:

  • The renderer is free to use yet it costs money to run; don't abuse it by filling the queue with all of your demos
  • If you are unsure of the content of a demo try viewing it locally rather than rendering a potentially useless demo
  • A proper title for a demo is required; entering in useless terms or other non-descriptive information will cause the demo to be removed from the queue or your account banned
  • Submitting a demo for rendering does not make the movie yours; don't rip it and upload it to your own channel
  • Reselling donator access by charging other people to render their demos is not allowed
  • Don't submit demos of yourself showing off a cheat; no one wants to see that garbage